Emporium County Club
18 Hole Golf Course and Restaurant (Both Open to the Public)
229 Country Club Lane, Emporium Pa 15834, Phone: 814-486-7715
Places to Stay:
Buttonwood Motel: Emporium, Pa. 814-486-0522 Buttonwoodmotel.com or 814-486-0522
Hygrade Inn – Boutique Hotel: Emporium, Pa. hygradeinn.com or reservations@hygradeinn.com
Creekside Inn, Emporium, Pa. Creeksideinnmotel.com or 814-486-2043
Pioneer Camp: Sterling Run, Pa. Book through Airbnb.com
Misty Pines Cabins: Sterling Run, Pa. Mistypinesrentals.com or 814-546-9185
Camp Eagles Nest: Driftwood, Pa. 814-771-4861
Barr None Lodge and Camp Critter: Driftwood, Pa. Barrtoprentals.com or 724-549-3164
The Willows Inn: Sinnemahoning, Pa. 814-546-2383
Benezette Hotel: Benezette, Pa. Benezettehotel.com or 814-787-4240
Ruffo Lodge: Benezette Pa. benezettewines.com or 814-787-4000
Castle Garden Bed & Breakfast, Driftwood, Pa. 814-762-1111
Wapiti Woods Cabins: Benezette, Pa. Wapitiwoods.com or 814-787-7525
Hazel Nut Cottage: Benezette, Pa. hazelnutcottagebz.com or 814-787-4977
Sleeping Horse Lodge: Benezette, Pa. Sleepinghorselodge.com or 724-783-6444
Antler Shed Cabins: Benezette, Pa. Antlershedcabins.com or 814-787-7327
MacDarvey Castle: Benezette, Pa macdarveycastle.com or 814-787-5356
Elk Mountain Homestead: Benezette Pa. Experienceelkcountry.com or 814-787-5168
Elk Stone Lodge: Benezette, Pa. Benezetterentalcabins.com or 877-818-1014
Elk Terrace Lodge: Benezette Pa. Elkterracelodge.com or 814-772-4854
Elk Country Hide Away: Benezette Pa. elkcountryhideaway.com or 724-388-1007
Sleeping Elk Lodge: Benezette Pa. sleepingelklodge.com or 717-859-4886
Sinnemahoning Sportsman Club: Sinnemahoning, Pa See Facebook or 814-546-2835
Elk County Visitors Center: Benezette, Pa. elkcountryvisitorcenter.com or 814-787-5167
Benezette Wines: Benezette, Pa. benezettewines.com or 814-787-4000
West Creek Recreational Trail: 18 miles biking/hiking rail trail from Emporium to St Mary’s Pa
Benezette Store and Camp Grounds: Benezette, Pa. benezettstore.com or 814-787-7456
State Parks: Sinnemahoning State Park, Sizerville State Park
Also see: Pawildsgetaway.com or visitpago.com